Wednesday, 27 April 2016

Fine Feathers - Hens and Cockerels by Lizzie Wall

Last Wednesday at our monthly meet of Lytham St Annes Embroiderers Guild we were treated to an amusing talk by Lizzie Wall, entitled My Quilts and other Animals
Having a degree in Embroidery and being a Teacher of Special Needs Students, Lizzie was full of hilarious anecdotes that had us chuckling whilst she explained her inspiration and thought processes behind her amazing and colourful applique, quilted pieces.
If you thought you knew quilting, think again... and the same goes for what you imagine bonded applique to be - Lizzie takes it to whole other sphere and the colours of the fabrics she uses are breathtaking. 
Not only did she show us every piece of the huge pile of 'lovely stuff' but she actually passed all the smaller pieces around so that we could touch them and see them close up, as she says 'you need to touch textiles/fabric'. We quite agree - so we had to multi-task; talking about the piece we were holding and listening to Lizzie speak at the same time.
I wont show you every piccie that I took as there are far too many! so if you want to see Lizzie's quilting close up and more of her work click onto her website here.
My photos will not do these pieces justice (have used those taken by flash to best show the colours but I apologize as there will be some areas that are a little fuzzy).
Here are some feathered creatures.

This is Blue Boy Buff. (the neighbouring chickens next door lay blue eggs). Lizzie deconstructs fabric and uses the patterned pieces to make feathers or scales for fish or fur. Many layers go into a piece before it is quilted and we were amazed how she had used even 'ugly' fabrics to great effect.
Paisley for feathers... who knew? and don't you love the Hexies to illustrate chicken wire?
Lizzie told us that she makes up a chicken first on background fabric before they go onto the main fabric piece.

 It was tough work getting those chickens to stay still for a photograph. Squawk!
Lovely little blue chicken.
The Blacksmith's Chicken. There is a story behind this one too. Have you spotted the blacksmiths tools behind him and skull tattoos on his leg?
These pieces look so complicated but Lizzie assured us that its only one choice of fabric per layer so there is only one choice to make. Aaahh but if only we could pick them so skillfully... take a look again at the Blacksmith's Chicken above - I would never think of picking flowers for a cockerels tail feathers - but it works wonderfully.
Thats all for now on this post - more coming up, but I hope that this has whetted your appetite to book Lizzie for a talk or a workshop. The subject of the workshop varies depending on what theme she has worked on so may be chickens or owl or hares etc AND fabric is included! 
Thank you Lizzie for sharing your work and process with us and especially for being so generous letting us touch each piece.

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