Saturday 6th February was National Libraries Day with all sorts of activities taking place in libraries up and down the country, so a couple of The Lytham St Annes Embroiderers Guild members volunteered a few hours of their time to host an activity at Lytham Library.
As many children visit the library on Saturday with their parents, a simple yet fun activity was required and Felt Bookmarks using pre-cut shapes and simple stitches such as Running Stitch, Chain Stitch and Blanket Stitch fitted the bill nicely. Take a look at some cheerful examples.
How cute are these?
One little boy had fun "helping" one of our members to choose which butterflies to sew resting on a washing line - a novel idea but it looks so sweet. French Knots, Seeding and Cross Stitches decorated the butterflies and an edging of Blanket Stitch held everything together (after inserting heavy weight vilene; also known as Pelmet Vilene; to give the bookmark some stiffness and stability).
The efforts of this young lady impressed us as she did all her own sewing and chose matching threads for each felt shape.
The purple/maroon butterfly was sewn in the middle to form a body; leaving the wings free to 'flutter in the breeze' after they had been embellished with a sequin and bead. Here is a close up of the central flower.
It was heart warming to see youngsters enthusiastically stitching away. Hopefully we will have whetted their appetite to learn more and become keen embroiderers in the future.
You may no longer be aged under ten but do come along to future activities held in the Ansdell and Freckleton Libraries (please see library for details as dates vary) and have a go yourself. Of course, you are also welcome to pop along to the Unitarian Church Hall, Channing Rd on the 3rd Wednesday of the month and join us at one of our meetings.
Stitching makes us happy and we hope it will you too - come see for yourself.
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